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Five on Friday

I'm linking up today with April for a Five on Friday post!

1. I'm hustling in fall like it's my job.  I have all the fall decor out in my house, Hadley helped me put out our "fall flag" the other day, and I have yummy candles burning pretty much non-stop when we are home.  My favorite smell right now? This Flannel candle from Bath and Body Works.  I just want to grab a blanket, a cup of coffee, and a good book and snuggle down on the couch!

2. When I found out I was pregnant with a boy, I was super, super excited because I was going to have a son!  And then I was super, super frustrated because--where are all the cute boy clothes??!  I am here to tell you they do exist!  In fact, I just ordered this adorable doggy playset from BodenUSA for Griffin and I can't wait for it to get here.  Yes, yes, yes.  And to top it off, they have awesome customer service.  I was having trouble with a discount code and the agent who helped me was just really great!

3. Right after Griffin was born, he decided he didn't like dairy/soy/eggs and I had to regretfully give those up for a while.  I love my coffee but I need creamer.  I found a gem in this SoDelicious Coconut Milk French Vanilla Creamer.  Now, I usually make some hazelnut coffee and top it off with this and it's like heaven in a cup. (*Almond milk has too much of a nutty flavor for me and come to find out G-man is allergic to almonds.)  Even though I can have dairy again, I still buy this stuff- it's that good!

4. Now that preschool is back into full swing, all of the fun stuff that comes along with it is starting.  Tuesday, the parents were invited to come eat lunch with their kiddos, so I got to have lunch with my baby girl!  She was so excited to show Mommy and Daddy her classroom.  She even showed us "the kitchen where me and Hattie and Nick play but Hap doesn't because he plays with trucks."  Oh, she's too much, haha!

5. This boy is pretty much a walker now!  He's been working up the courage for a few weeks now, taking a few steps here and there.  But yesterday and last night he was just taking off.  Happy and sad,  motherhood is such a juxtaposition.


  1. Boys' clothes are awesome - if you know where to shop! We love Boden, and we really, really love NEXT for little boys' stuff. The price point is great, and shipping is free - and so fast! I love it :) Happy Friday!

  2. Stopping by from 5 on Friday! Love that little play set and I am going to have to hunt down that coffee creamer. I agree that Almond Milk is too nutty to enjoy in coffee. Happy Friday!


  3. That's an adorable outfit! I love the Bath & Body Works candles and that's the next scent I want to try. Have a great week!
