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5 on Friday

I'm not sure why, but this week seemed to drag for me.  I'm a worrier and I was worried a lot about all kinds of insignificant things so I am glad to see Friday come!  This week's 5 on Friday is just a bunch of random stuff to round out the week.  Happy weekend!

1. This is big.  Hadley slept in her bed last night....AND....Griffin slept all night!  You might remember this post I wrote about some battles we've been having.  Since we moved, Hadley has been getting in our bed every single night.  That's about 5 months of having an extra body snuggling in our bed!  And bless his heart, Griffin is 11 1/2 months old and hasn't slept through the night until now!  The fact that they both did this the same night can only be described as a gift from the Lord himself.

2. We have plans to go to the pumpkin patch tomorrow.  I even made my kids matching shirts.  I'm feeling a little nostalgic because last year when we took Hadley- I went into labor with Griffin.  But Hurricane Matthew is putting a damper on those plans.  We are just expected to get some rain, but I was really looking forward to it.  Small pill to swallow compared to the devastation Matthew is bestowing on the coast, but I'm still bummed!

3. Wednesday was the funeral for a little boy, Jacob Hall, who was killed during an elementary school shooting in Townville, SC a week ago.  He really loved superheroes, so his parents requested everyone dress up like superheroes that day.  We live near (like 45 min- 1 hour away) there, so Facebook and Instagram have been blowing up with pictures of their kids all dressed up.  We went nowhere and did nothing Wednesday (my favorite kind of day!) but my two did play superheroes!  It's incredible to see the community come together to support this family, but I'm just so angry that it takes the death of a 6 year old boy to do so.

4. This guy has a birthday on Sunday!  He celebrated his big 3-0 last year, so this birthday is small potatoes. ;)  But we still plan to celebrate him!  We sure are thankful for the good husband and Daddy that he is, so the day is going to be all about him!

5. I'm finally starting to try to decorate our new house.  We definitely need paint on the walls, but I've been looking at curtains for our big floor-to-ceiling windows in our formal living room (aka the craft/office room).  I think I really like the look of this:



  I also need something for our kitchen windows and was thinking something like this would look good in there:



What do you think??

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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