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Fun Down on the Farm

We made plans a while ago to visit Denver Downs Pumpkin Patch with Hadley and Griffin this year.  I was a little worried last week because Hurricane Matthew was causing all sorts of weather-related stuff here and I didn't think we were going to get to go.  Fortunately, the weather was beautiful on Saturday and it wasn't even muddy.  It was just a bit overcast with a nice breeze- perfect pumpkin picking weather!

We have gone to Denver Downs for years now.  The first time we went was the weekend we got back from our honeymoon- and we've gone every year since then.  Last year, we took just Hadley because Griffin wasn't born yet!  He made is grand entrance into the world just a few hours after we left the pumpkin patch.  I was in labor while we were there!  So this year was extra special because now our boy was with us and he was walking!

They always have a theme and this year's theme was Peanuts (like the cartoon!).  Like Lucy, I'm always willing to give my opinion:

When we got there, I immediately got pictures of my babes because I've learned if I want them to cooperate for pictures, it's best if I have something to bargain with, haha!

 You want to go play?  Well sit here and smile first and then we will play as long as you want!

Hadley had so much fun.  She wanted to see the baby animals (a 4 week old calf and 6 day old piglets!), slide down the big slide with her Daddy, see the pig race, play in the play area, eat cotton candy-- the girl wanted to do it all!

I was very proud of her, too.  The slide is a big slide in a tunnel and her Daddy went with her the first few times.  She's a little timid when it comes to new things, but she made up her mind to go down the slide by herself and she did.  And once she conquered that, she went down by herself over and over again.  I think she was proud of herself, too!

It was Griffin's nap time, so he walked around a little, but mostly sat on the ground and wanted to be held.  My sweet boy fell asleep on his Daddy's shoulder and got a pretty good nap in.

We ate some BBQ for lunch and headed to the pumpkin patch.  Hadley knew exactly what she wanted and she was a girl on a mission.  She marched right on in and started picking out pumpkins!

Griffin wasn't quite sure about the pumpkins in the beginning, but he warmed up nicely to them!

Before we left, we grabbed a family picture by the pumpkin patch. We can't wait for next year!


1 comment

  1. I am dying over their cute shirts and your and Hadley's matching boots. Adorable.

    Looks like a fun time. I'm looking forward to taking Madeline next year to a real pumpkin patch. We attempted a small local one this year and she was only interested in the dirt. Haha!
