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A Day in the Life

I'm always curious to see how others spend their days, so I thought I would do a recap of one of our days!  On this day (Monday August 22, 2016), this is how our day went:

6:30am- I wake up and try to sneak out of bed without waking Hadley up. (We have a king-size bed and she likes to sleep right up next to you instead of using all the space...)

6:30-7:20am- First stop is kitchen for COFFEE.  (Must. Have. Coffee.) Then devotional, quiet time, go over calendar and plan for the day.

7:30am- Griffin wakes up. Rise and shine!  He eats breakfast and then we play with Hadley's toys until she wakes up.  (Don't tell her!)

8:30am- Hadley comes downstairs and we start our day!  She eats breakfast and watches some shows.

8:30-9:00am- Mondays are sweep/mop downstairs.  Our whole house is hardwood floors and while I love them, they are a pain to keep clean.  I always feel like I'm stepping on crumbs, so I constantly sweep.  But Monday's chore includes mopping so I did that while the kiddos played a bit.

9:30-10:45am- Griffin naps and Hadley and I play in the playroom.  We play whatever she wants to play. Right now she likes to play chase, pretend there is a bear in a cave, and sing me to "sleep".

10:45am- G-man wakes up and we get ready for gymnastics!

11:30-12:15pm- Hadley's first day of gymnastics with her friend from school Hattie.  They are "best friends" and wanted to take gymnastics together.  It's so precious I can hardly stand it.

1:30pm- Home for lunch!  Everyone is melting down!

2:00-2:45PM- Griffin is down for a nap and Hadley is having rest time on the couch and watching a movie.  Usually during this time, I'd be checking e-mails, doing some work, but our cat jumped up on the table and spilled an entire glass of milk all over my brand new, color-coded, planner and completely ruined it....then she pooped all over our floor.

2:45pm- Griffin wakes up early from his nap so we pack up and head out to Target to pick up another planner and do some retail therapy.

4:00-5:00pm- After Target, we headed to the park!  It's been so hot recently we haven't been outside in days, let alone the park in months.  Hadley was so excited to be at the park. :)

6:00pm- Dinner!

7:00-7:30pm- Bath and bedtime.  Shew!

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