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Lake Weekend

David's (my hubby) family owns a house on the lake about an hour and a half from our house.  So Friday morning we packed up our car (pretty much packed up our whole house for a 3 day weekend) and headed to the lake!

I am so raising this girl right.  Friday morning she said, "I want to wear my football shirt!" and she chose her TIGER shirt. This family is #allin !!

I am not a lake person.  I'm just not.  The water looks dirty, I can't see whats swimming beneath me, and I'm always afraid the lake monster is going to pull me under and I'll never resurface ever again.  Doom and gloom, I know.  But David grew up going to the lake every summer and he's got grand plans to see the same for his kiddos and who am I to project my fear onto them? (For the record, I do get on the inner tube and I've water skied once.  I got up so I can officially say I've water skied.  Once is enough for me!)

My babies on the boat.  

I love a good boat ride.  The lake monsters can't get me there.

We arrived Friday right before lunch and went out for a quick boat ride.  It was pretty cloudy Friday morning, but the clouds burned off that afternoon!  Hadley and Griffin's Nana and Grandpop were there and brought tons of toys to play with, so they were pretty well occupied when we weren't joy riding in the boat.

She looks so big here!  Her legs look so long, her shoes look like big kids shoes, and her sunglasses are on point. Stop growing!!

Friday night we watched some of the Olympic Opening Ceremony (am I the only one that was not super impressed?) and hit the sack early.  Neither of my kids sleep through the night, so going to bed is always a good idea.  Haha!

Poor G-man.  He was eating his emotions.  He was not a fan of the life vest.

Saturday, we spent some time on the screened porch, swinging and playing and Hadley decided she wanted to ride the inner tube.  We were so proud of this girl!  She wanted to ride with her Daddy sitting up, so that's just what they did.  She kept saying, "wooo!" and waving.  Hadley had tubes placed in June for some serious recurrent ear infections, so doctor's orders were no "dirty" water (i.e.. lake or ocean water) in her ears.  (See??  Lake water IS dirty.)  My momma heart was totally fine with her being unable to get in the lake, but she was so excited and proud of herself for going out on the inner tube!  I didn't even tell her about the lake monster that would grab her and take her under. ;)

Terrible quality, but here she is waving!

Take #1.  I can't even handle this child.  I had no idea she did that until I looked at the picture.

Take #2.  My favorite open-bite in the world.  

Because she couldn't get in the water, Daddy set up a little pool on the dock for her!  Those kids had a B-L-A-S-T in the pool.  It kept them cool, entertained, and I didn't have to worry too much about the lake.  This was probably the best decision we made.

The pool.  No life vest.  Happy camper!

I've never seen anything cuter than this kid right here.  That over-sized hat on his bald head does me in.  Every. Time.

Sunday was much of the same, relaxing in the morning, inner tubing, and playing in the pool.  We packed up and headed home after Griffin woke up from his afternoon nap.

Cat-napping in the swing.  Or dog-napping.

Hadley and Griffin had a great time.  David got to spend some time with his parents, and I...I got to read two whole books on my kindle.  It was fabulous!

Until next time!  Gilligan thanks you for reading. :)

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