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The Stars of the Show

On most days, I get about zero adult interaction.  You can hear the following phrases leave my mouth at least once a day, if not more:

"No, you can't have m&m's for breakfast."
"Where are your pants???"
"Get away from the outlets."
"Do you need to go to time out?"
"Please don't sit on your brother."
"Ugga Mugga!"
"If you have to go potty, stop and go right away!  Flush and wash and be on your way!" (You get extra points if you know where the last two come from!)

I am constantly picking up after, repeating myself, and running interference on two of the tiniest dictators the world has ever seen.  And it's pretty much the best job in the world.  (I'd be lying, though, if I said I wasn't exhausted at the end of the day!  Oh hi, husband, glad to see you, here you go! *hands off baby, grabs keys and walks out the door*)

So, who are the peanuts behind my coffee addiction and crumbs on my floor?  Hadley and Griffin.

Hadley is my beautiful, spunky, almost-three-year-old who is fiercely independent, smart as a whip, and funny as all get out.  If she's not pushing every button I have (uncanny, really, how she just knows.) she's making me laugh harder than anyone.  She's been using words like "exhausted" and "aggravated" since she turned two and can use an iPhone better than most adults. (Bad parenting, eh?)

And she has a heart of gold, this one.  She's polite and kind to everyone and really a joy to be around.  She introduces her "byudda" to everyone and is such a proud big sister.  She gives the best hugs and kisses and throws out "I love you, Mommy" like it's going out of style. And I'm not just saying that because I'm her momma. ;)

Griffin is my 10 month old little bear.  His first sound was a growl, which he still does today.  He is extremely laid back, except for the 12 hours he should be sleeping at night.  For some reason, the boy thinks sleeping is for the birds and doesn't apply to him.  He also gets into everything he's not supposed to without fail.  I never had to worry about anything with Hadley- but Griffin?  He loves wall outlets, electrical cords, everything that is ever put into a drawer or cabinet, stairs, anything small enough that will fit in his mouth (magnets, paper, his sisters play food, bugs, cat food...), and one time he even pooped out a barcode- so, #momwin on that one.

He's also the biggest momma's boy there ever was.  He gives the best snuggles, his little dimple when he smiles is pretty much the best thing ever, and he's so darn ticklish!  His two bottom teeth are in and he's getting his four, count 'em, FOUR top teeth all at once.  He sure is in a good mood, though, for someone who doesn't sleep and is growing something harder than bones out of his gums!

These two are the stars of the show and boy am I ever glad they are.  My world would be very boring if I wasn't raising these two beauties.  (Albeit a lot more restful!  But I'll sleep when I'm dead.)

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