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Double Birthday!

Both of my babies have birthdays in October and they are exactly a week apart.  That leaves one weekend in between to celebrate!  This year, I thought it would be fun to combine their birthdays and have just one party.  Both of our families are out of town, so getting people to come to town two weekends in a row just seems silly and the thought of planning two big parties was kind of daunting, to be honest!

So Hadley and Griffin had a joint party this year, and the theme?  SPRINKLES!  (Hadley loves sprinkles right now, like looovves them.  I felt like that was a pretty gender-neutral thing to like, so that's what I went with.)

Hadley was beside herself when the big day arrived.  All the people she loves under one roof?  She was in heaven.  I'll let the pictures do the talking!

 Hadley and her great-granddad.  She loves him something fierce. (Just like her momma!)

 Birthday girl! You can kind of see Griffin's monthly banner in the background.

 I sure do love this birthday girl!

 Grandmom and Granddad (Hadley's great-grandparents) got her and Griffin a train table and some train tracks for their birthdays.  They LOVE this thing!

 Some of the food for the party.  We had pesto pasta, fruit and veggie platters, white-chocolate covered strawberries dipped in sprinkles, mini m&m's, and white-chocolate covered pretzels dipped in sprinkles.  The pretzels were a HIT.  And of course we had cake and ice cream--with sprinkles!

 Hadley's cake and Griffin's shadowbox of his going-home outfit.

 Griffin's banner!

 Hadley's banner!

 Griff-baby wasn't so sure about all the people at his house.  He perked up quite nicely after most everyone left, haha!

 I love my sweet birthday boy!

 Not so sure about all these people; needing some extra Daddy snuggles!

 We love Aunt Amy and Uncle Tyler!

 My best friend had a baby in August and Hadley is enamored.  She's so sad Griffin "isn't a baby anymore" and thinks we need another one, haha!  So she's all over Baby Hugh!

 Griffin and Grammy!

 I can't even handle how big he looks in this picture.

 Hadley is really into princesses and Grammy got her a Cinderella dress!  (As Hadley calls it, "Cinda-BRELLA)

 G-man loves xylophones, so I knew he would love this gift from Aunt Amy and Uncle Tyler.  He plays with this thing everyday.

 Mommy and Daddy always get a big gift and Griffin got a little tykes truck!  He knew just what to do with it and this has quickly become a favorite when we play outside.

As I've mentioned before, Hadley got the kid craft mansion dollhouse and she loved it.  She and her little friends played with it the rest of the time the party was going on.

 Blowing out candles!

 First taste of cake! (Although, I'm pretty sure Hadley has been sneaking him sugar because he knew just what to do!)

 Uncle Scott lived with us for about 6 months and recently got a new job and moved 5 hours away, so these two were so excited he was back!  He completed an IronMan in Chattanooga in September and bought the babies hats- which they clearly love!  We love him lots! (and he's single, ladies!)

I just love this picture.  No one is looking at the same camera, Hadley is cheesing hard, and Griffin is looking at her like, "what is wrong with you??"--this is just the perfect picture of my family.  Organized chaos. :)

Just some notes:

  • My grandmother made their matching outfits.  The material is Eric Carle.
  • I have no idea what I'm going to do next year.  I'm pretty sure Hadley is going to want her own party and I don't want to slight Griffin because he's the 2nd child. 
  • My babies are well-loved and that makes my momma heart so very happy.
  • I need to be a little more proactive about getting some pictures of me and my babies.  I hate I didn't get one of me and them (well at least one of us all looking at the same camera!)
  • I'm glad my grandmother was there with her camera to document the party!  I was too busy hosting and corralling kids to stop and take pictures.
  • There were other kids there, I just feel weird putting pictures of other people's children on the internet without their permission. ;)

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