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Why Do The Weekends End So Quickly?

I've got two stories for you this Monday morning!  Nothing crazy, but hopefully it will get your Monday started on the right foot.  Because I'm currently sitting at my desk, staring at my monitor, while my 17 month old cries hysterically and throws things out of his bed.

Sorry, buddy.  Mommy doesn't come get you until 7:00am. 

First story: apparently my daughter is a better parent than I am.  Griffin was climbing on his everywhere chair (because, really, that was the original intent, eh Pottery Barn Kids?) trying to touch the tv and I told him, "No, no.  We don't touch the tv and we definitely don't climb to touch the tv.  You could get hurt!"  He just looked at me and went right back to what he was doing.  So again, I said no, and again, he continued pushing his boundaries.  About that time, Hadley looked up from what she was doing and said, "No Mommy, let me show you.  GRIFFIN!!!!  GET DOWWWWNNNNNN NOWWWW!" (yelling pretty loudly!)  To which Griffin promptly shrugged his shoulders and climbed down to find something else to do. (Although, I think it had more to do with the fact that he was "bored" with climbing and touching the tv than actually listening to his sister's directions.  But it sure made her feel good, ha!) She turned to me and said, "See?  That's how you do it."And turned back to her toys.  I wish there was a wide-eyed emoji I could put here because that's pretty much how I felt. Ha!  Schooled by my own three-nager.  I know I have years of this left! ;)

They really do love each other!

Second story: For some reason, the weather has been so up and down now that spring is right around the corner.  It's been so warm all winter and now the cold air magically appeared.  So weird.  Anyway, we are taking full advantage of whatever warm weather does make an appearance and yesterday I took the kids on a wagon ride.  They both have their own lovies they have quite an attachment to, so of course Lamby and Bear-Bear came along for ride.  We had a great time talking about nature, they pointed out different things they thought were interesting, and Hadley entertained us with some singing....errr, christmas carols.  (She's a girl after my own heart, I tell ya!)  When we got back, both kids wanted to keep playing outside, so that's what we did.

Our beloved Bear-Bear goes everywhere!

At one point, I saw a woman jogging past our driveway in jeans (so she wasn't just out on a run) and she was talking to someone up ahead of her.  We don't really live in a "neighborhood" and the houses are kind of far apart, so it's unusual to see people coming from the direction they came from.  Our neighbors dogs were also barking and whining which isn't typical of them.  So when the lady passed, I walked to our driveway and watched the couple continue walking and turned to go the opposite way they came.  I really just wanted to make sure my neighbors house was okay, so I started down the hill and saw something laying in the road on the other side of their home.  I thought it was an animal at first, but the closer I got, the more I realized it was actually Bear-Bear!

Now, this may seem like mere coincidence to some, but it's actually a pure God moment.  Bear-Bear was no where near the side of the road we had been walking earlier (3 hours earlier!) in the day, and he had obviously been "loved" on by another animal along the way (slobber!).  Lovies are vital to bedtime routine in this house, and we would be distraught if we ever lost them!  (On another note, I do have back-up lovies, but ask any parent and they'll tell you-- kids just know the fake ones from the real ones.) God orchestrated some pretty interesting events to lead us straight to our, unbeknownst to us, lost lovey yesterday.  Psalm 121:8 "the Lord will watch over your coming and going, both now and forevermore" popped into my head and I offered a prayer of thanks to the God who watches over us all--even my littlest guy who would have greatly mourned the loss of his precious lovey!

I hope that on this Monday morning, you know that God is watching over your coming and going, too!  He is good!

1 comment

  1. I'm glad Bear Bear was ok! Losing a lovey would be the worst. Love these pictures of your sweet kiddos.
