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Last week, I turned thirty.  My husband was going to take the day off, spend some time with me, and take me to a fancy dinner to celebrate.  Unfortunately, things happened at work and he wasn't able to take the day off like planned.  So I spent the morning with my babies, just playing, opening their gifts (a necklace picked out by my girl, and an "I love mom" mug from my boy), and spending time with them.  We set up for my mom to watch the kids for dinner that night, so she came to town a bit early so I could go out and get my nails done.

David took me to one of our favorite restaurants, Halls Chophouse, and he had set up the most wonderful surprise: my entire family was waiting for us at the restaurant!  Every year, we get a special meal to celebrate our birthdays, cooked by my grandmother (the best cook ever) and everyone in the family tries to be there to help celebrate.  I thought the plan was to go home for my meal a few weeks later.  David had his heart set on taking me out to dinner and I thought that was a special gesture, so we put off the family birthday dinner for a week.  But the family birthday dinner is a tradition in our family.  And David knows how important it is to me and how much I love celebrating with my family, so he snuck around and had all of my favorite people gathered in one place for a huge celebration!  I was so surprised!  When I walked in and saw everyone I kept saying, "why are you here?!"  I just couldn't believe it.  And even my babies were there!

It was the sweetest surprise.  I sent my twenties out and brought my thirties in surrounded by my favorite people on this earth.  And everyone stayed the weekend, so I got an entire weekend full of the people I love the most.  It was the absolute best birthday I've ever had.

I know this last one is a little fuzzy, but aren't they so stinkin' cute?!

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