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5 Special Things I Do For My Children

I've been quiet on here for a little over a week!  Life happens, y'all!  Last week I headed to my hometown to spend the week with my family!  My mom, Aunt, and cousin always go to The Southern Christmas Show and since Hadley didn't have school Tuesday for election day, I just packed us all up and we spent the week there.  I had some school work to catch up on, I somehow came down with some kind of stomach bug, and now I'm battling a cold.  So, welcome germ season- I hope I'm getting it all out of the way now!

Today, I wanted to talk about 5 special things I do for my kids.  They are special and I'm sure it's much more difficult to grow up in the world we live in now than the world we lived in when I was young.  I never want my kids to feel less than the beautiful people they are, so I've started some special traditions with my kiddos.

When Hadley was about 6 months old, I started a journal for her.  I write in it when she hits special milestones, when she says something funny, when I hear special things about her, when there is something I want her to remember or know...I'm not sure when I'll give it to her, but I want her to have written words from her Momma.  I loved doing it for her, so I started a journal for Griffin as well.  And I'll do one for any other children we are blessed to have.  I put a lot of stuff on here, but there are some meaningful things in those journals meant just for them.

On their birthdays, I get them a special gift just from me.  When Hadley turned one, I gave her a charm bracelet and each year I add a charm.  Griffin has just had his first birthday and I gave him a hand-made quilt.  I'm not sure what I'll do in the future for him, but each present is accompanied with a card and a heartfelt message from me.  (What can I say?  Words are my love language.)

I take them on special "outings" alone.  Sometimes it's special things (like Hadley has a princess academy she's going to Saturday!) and other times it's just a special trip with mom when I run errands.  They both need one-on-one time with me (and vice versa with their Dad!) and I love to make that happen.  I see so much of their personalities, I can talk to them, and even though Griffin can't "talk" yet, he can still communicate and he's such a funny little guy.

Pictures and videos.  I know...you're thinking, "come on....every parent does this!"  And you're right!  Most do!  Words are my love language, but pictures capturing memories are my soul's kindred spirit. I don't have much art on my walls (and if I do, then it's meaningful.)  but you can bet my walls are filled with pictures of the people I love.  I want my babies to grow up in a home knowing they are welcomed and loved all the time!

I have a special song for each of them, something I sing to them every night.  It's "our song" and I hope whenever they hear it, they will think of how much their Momma loves them.  Hadley's is actually a made up song my mom sang to me when I was little, so it's unlikely she will ever hear it in public, but I also sing Amy Grant's "Baby, Baby" to her and that one she might hear!  Griffin's song is "Beautiful Boy" by John Lennon.

What special things do you do for your children?  Or that your parents did for you that was meaningful?

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