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Halloween 2016

Halloween was so fun this year!  Each year, some of our close friends have us over to cook out, play a bit, and trick-or-treat!  There always ends up being a nice group of kids (and adults!) so it's always been really fun.  We have a bonfire, one year the tv was set up outside for the Clemson game, and one year it snowed!  This year it was 80 degrees outside, so no snow, but perfect weather for playing barefoot in the grass and trick-or-treating with great friends.

Halloween 2013

Halloween 2014

Halloween 2015

Halloween 2016

This is the first year that Hadley actually "got" what trick-or-treating is all about.  She was so excited to dress up as "Cindabrella" and for Griffin to be Prince Charming.  I know I'm biased, but man they were SO cute!

Every time Hadley went up to a door, she would come racing back and say, "Mommy!!! I said trick-or-treat AND thank you!!!  Want to see what they gave me??"  And every time she would search her bucket for the exact piece of candy she had received.

And I was so proud of her manners- and how enthusiastic she was about it!

At one point, she also looked up and saw the stars in the sky and said, "Oh my goodness, Mommy!  Look at the stars!!  They are singing!  Like twinkle, twinkle, little star!" Sometimes I just can't believe the things she says--I mean, how smart is she to liken the twinkling stars to them singing?

Griff-baby went along, but didn't get any candy.  He was content to just watch everyone as we walked.

One super blurry picture, but look at those sweet girls holding hands!

I didn't get many pictures during the actual trick-or-treating because I was spending time "in the moment" and all that.

But the best part about trick-or-treating?

Picking out your first piece of candy when you get home!

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