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30 Act of Kindness: Days 26-30

I have not forgotten the last 5 days!  I had planned to type these up the Saturday after my birthday, but my wonderful husband set up an amazing surprise it turns out that my entire family was in town for my birthday-- all weekend!  So, I was a little pre-occupied and couldn't find time to jot them down. :)

Day 26: I cleaned out, swept, and organized the garage for my hubby.  It's a task he had been meaning to do so I went ahead and did it for him!

Day 27: I did a whole bunch of yard work for my hubby.  I don't like yard work, so this was just REALLY nice of me, haha.

Day 28: It was a beautiful day!  So we headed to the park...again!  I love getting my babies outside.  Anyway, I picked up trash while the kids played to keep the park looking nice for all the kiddos.  And yes, I wore gloves.  Because eww.

Day 29: I had to be at work early this day and had to eat dinner at the hospital.  So, I went ahead and bought a resident who was working dinner, also.  Doctors have to eat, too!

Day 30: David, my cousins, and best friend (and all the spouses) went to a new "bar" where we live and people left their glasses all over the table, so I cleaned them up.

So, that wraps it up.  I had a lot of fun doing these acts of kindness.  I found myself looking for more ways to be kind throughout the day and less time complaining.  People respond to kindness and I hope, in some cases, that it encouraged others to do their own acts of kindness as well!

If you missed the other 30 acts of kindness posts, you can go here:

Why am I doing this?

Days 1-10

Days 11-18

Days 19-25

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