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Confessions #2

Today has been one of...those days.  I can't even.  So I'm sitting down to write it away, ha!  This confession post is long overdue, as the last one was back in August!

We've been having issues with bugs.  I mean, we live in a wooded area so I expect that, but I didn't....ahem...expect that when we moved in.  I've never lived in a wooded area before I didn't realize how inviting our homes are to the outside creatures.

Today, I found a drawer full of cockroach poop.  Yep.  Cockroach poop.  And the bug guy already came last week because I found cockroach poop under my couch.  Oh, and he came the week before that for our "annual spring visit".  And the real kicker?  I left it for my husband to clean up.  I AM NOT CLEANING UP COCKROACH POOP.

So, this isn't a cockroach, but I'm pretty sure they have similar looks on their faces when they realize I found their poop stash. #sonotcool

I got docked 15 points on a grad school assignment because I met ALL of the criteria and was very thorough...but I met it "too soon".  What??? Is that even a real thing??  I'm ready for my one week off before my next set of classes begin, ha!


I started Isagenix and everyone I know is all, "oh, I love the ionix! It's the best thing ever!"  And I'm all plugging my nose and trying to chug it really fast because as Hadley says, "that's mommy's poop water." Hahahaha.  (Just for the record, it doesn't make me poop.  It's just brown and nasty looking so that's where she got the nickname for it.)  

And cleanse days are for the birds.  I have two toddlers, I need food.  And yet I continue to cleanse.  Although, I will say I feel tons better, don't need 3 cups of coffee to get me through the day anymore and while I haven't noticed a huge decrease in the weight, my body is physically changing.

Moms are the greatest thing on earth.  Hadley got herself in trouble today and knew it.  I walked into the room and she immediately said, "I'm so sorry, Mommy.  It's all my fault."  And started crying.  I had to be the tough guy and send her to time-out, but then immediately called my mom bawling like a baby because how can my little girl feel such guilt???  I don't want her to feel that way.  My mom was quick to remind me that it's perfectly fine for her to feel guilt over something she has done because she knows she was wrong.  It's much better for her to feel remorseful than feel she's done nothing wrong.  

My mom and me (or is that Griffin? ;) )

I wore shorts for the first time this season the other day and my husband goes, "I can't even see the hair on your thighs!"  .....Thanks?  (I have blonde hair so I don't shave past my knees during the winter months....am I the only one?  Also, I'm married so he just has to deal, haha!) But, I did shave before I put shorts on, so jokes on him.


Shew, I'm ready for a new day!


  1. I am having one of those weeks, too. Somehow I managed to dump an entire tumbler of ice water into my purse in the car yesterday. Leather purse, leather wallet, phone, electronic key. Ugh.

    I can't believe they docked you points on your project for something like that. SO frustrating. The school year is almost over, thankfully! Sorry about the bug situation. The joys of an older home.

  2. I have to ask...if you really don't like the Ionix stuff, why keep using it? Surely you can find something you like better. :)
